case study

Fonterra Brands

Employee Safety and Performance

Fonterra is a global, co-operatively-owned dairy products exporter with its roots firmly planted in New Zealand. With the help of its 11,500 employees, Fonterra collects and processes 22 billion liters of milk every year and shares it with more than 100 countries in the world. Fonterra shares the goodness of dairy nutrition with the world through its brands, farming, and processing operations across four continents.

The Challenge

Fonterra’s employees are at the heart of the company’s worldwide success, which is why job performance and employee safety are top priorities for the company. With so much ground to cover and so many employees to manage, Fonterra needed an easier, faster, and more effective way of observing the productivity, job performance, and safety of its workforce.

One of Fonterra’s corporate requirements is that each employee completes four safety and performance observations a year. This involves a team member interviewing a worker to find out things like: Do they have the right equipment and training for the task? Do they have enough time in a day to complete the tasks at hand? Asking such questions of their employees helps Fonterra continually identify opportunities for improving employee safety and overall company performance.

The data was reviewed manually by personnel back at the office but with so many paper forms being completed, Fonterra was finding it difficult to manage the data collected, identify common threads in employee feedback and prioritize issues of importance.

The Solution & Result

After discovering Certainty Software online, the Fonterra team and the Certainty Software team worked closely together to implement Certainty to enable Fonterra to record and manage employee safety and performance observations.

Fonterra has experienced several advantages since implementing Certainty Software. Not only does it ensure employees are operating safely in the workplace, but it also enables the company to more easily identify resources allocation requirements, and see where procedural modifications are needed.

For example, if something has been broken for some time and its hindering personnel, Certainty reports detect and group things that would normally fly under the radar. These reports help Fonterra identify and budget for improvements needed. The company also benefits from the performance-focused feedback they receive, especially by being able to easily see what’s preventing employees from being fully engaged.

Case study

“Certainty Software made the process of turning our check-sheets electronic into a personal service. They helped us get it right and are going the extra mile for us. Look forward to making more of our standard check-sheets digital.”

Karyn Beattie
GM Health and Safety - New Zealand

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Not Paperwork

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