The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental international organization and certification body with more than 167 members. The goal of the ISO is to create voluntary international standards that help companies evaluate and improve current processes. ISO has been creating and evolving standards for more than 70 years, helping companies stay up-to-date […]
Safety Management

What is HACCP?
Learn about the principles and benefits of HACCP, a management system that ensures food safety through the analysis and control of hazards. Find out how to implement HACCP in your business and prepare for a HACCP audit with Certainty Software. […]

The Top 5 Safety Metrics You Should be Tracking
More information is always better. The more you know about what’s happening in your organization, the better equipped you are to address and remediate potential safety problems. Safety metrics make this possible. By measuring and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), you can identify areas in need of improvement and create plans that help achieve this […]

The Difference Between Leading and Lagging Safety Indicators
Table of contents Safety isn’t just important in the corporate world of today; it’s essential to success. The defining characteristic that distinguishes strong organizations from the competition is the mastery of leading and lagging safety indicators. These indications have the power to protect your bottom line in addition to potentially saving lives. According to the […]

Leading Safety Indicators: Examples and Applications
Workplace safety is getting better. According to OSHA, recordable injuries and illnesses have fallen from 10.9 incidents per 100 workers per year in 1979 to just 2.8 incidents per worker in 2019. But there’s still room for improvement. In 2019, there were 15 deaths per day on job sites, with construction accounting for 20 percent […]

The Impact of Lagging Safety Indicators on Workplace Operations
Employers reported 2.7 million injuries and illnesses in 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). And while this number is down 5.7% from the previous year, there’s still room for improvement. In 2020, these injuries cost companies more than $163 billion in wage and productivity losses, medical expenses, and administrative expenses, in […]

PPE Inspections: What They Are and Why You Need Them
Personal protective equipment (PPE) saves lives. Consider the humble hard hat: First introduced in 1919 by Edward W. Bullard, who designed the hat to resemble his doughboy army helmet, the hard hat helped reduce work site deaths by two-thirds between 1970 and 2016. PPE also saves money: Companies can save over $30,000 for every medically-consulted […]

FeaturedCustomers selects Certainty Software as a 2022 EHS Management Software Rising Star
Certainty Software has been named a FeaturedCustomers’ 2022 Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Management Software Vendor Rising Star! This is our third time receiving this recognition and we’re extremely proud to see that our hard work to help businesses collect, manage, and report their EHS inspections and audits has made a difference. Who is FeaturedCustomers? […]

Audit Types Explained: What You Need to Know About First, Second, and Third-Party Audits
Auditing is a process of verifying and evaluating a business’s compliance, quality, and performance. However, there are different types of audits that serve different purposes and have different requirements. In this blog post, you will learn what first-party, second-party, and third-party audits are, how they differ, and why they are important for your business […]

4 Steps to Perform a Workplace Safety Inspection
More than ever, today’s workforce is reflecting on their current working situation and is considering finding new work – over 40% of American workers in 2021 considered leaving their current jobs. Workplace safety is a large driving force in these decisions as injuries have maintained an annual consistency of about 2.7 million reported incidents in […]

How to Create an Effective Food Safety Management System for Your Business
The CDC estimates that every year, more than 48 million Americans become sick from foodborne illnesses. Research has identified more than 250 foodborne diseases that are caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites, but consumers can also become sick after eating food that has been exposed to harmful toxins or chemicals. As a result, it’s in […]

What is a Field Level Hazard Assessment (and Why They Matter)
Hazards put both teams and projects at risk. If your staff is injured by on-site hazards, days off for recovery coupled with workers’ compensation processes can negatively impact project timelines and employee morale. According to recent data from the National Safety Council (NSC), more than 400,000 workers were injured from substance hazards in 2020. Additionally, […]

Understanding Social Compliance And Self-Audits
Businesses that have a sense of purpose – that is, they are motivated to provide value for all stakeholders and to improve the local and global society – tend to be more successful, generating more revenue. According to a survey, 58% of businesses that prioritize operating with purpose witnessed a 10% revenue increase in three years. Social […]

What is A Hot Work Permit: How it Works
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), from 2014 to 2018, United States local fire departments responded to an average of 4,580 annual structure fires from hot work activities. It was estimated that the annual associated damage costs were approximately $484 million, and an average of 22 people died each year from such operations. Hot work […]

Near Miss Reporting: What it is and Why it’s Important
According to the U.S Department of Labor, there were 4,764 workplace fatalities in 2020. Transportation incidents, falls, slips, trips, contact with objects and equipment, and exposure to harmful substances were the leading causes of death. Near misses contribute significantly to workplace fatalities regardless of their minimal effects at the moment. For every 600 near misses, 30 […]