Certainty Blog

Supplier compliance dashboard

The Importance of Centralized Software Administration

Last week we looked at the importance of discovering whether the new enterprise software you’re considering meets your organization’s language requirements. Is the solution you’re evaluating a good fit? Let’s move on to the central, corporate-wide centralized software administration capabilities. Having been in the enterprise-level software industry for decades, we have been involved in hundreds […]

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Multilingual Enterprise Software

Does My Organization Need Multilingual Enterprise Software?

We’ve been involved in the design, development, and implementation of enterprise-level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts put together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data collection and reporting requirements, implementation resources, pricing/cost models, and more, to ensure your next enterprise software […]

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Certainty Software BI Dashboard

Don’t Forget About Your Reporting Requirements

We’ve been involved in the design, development, and implementation of enterprise-level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts put together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data collection and reporting requirements, implementation resources, pricing/cost models, and more, to ensure your next enterprise software […]

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Behavior based safety observation

Why You Should Implement Multi-Purpose Enterprise Software

We’ve been involved in the design, development, and implementation of enterprise-level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts puts together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data collection and reporting requirements, implementation resources, pricing/cost models, and more, to ensure your next multi-purpose enterprise […]

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Can Your Enterprise Software Be Customized?

We’ve been involved in the design, development, and implementation of customized enterprise-level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts puts together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data collection and reporting requirements, implementation resources, pricing/cost models, and more, to ensure your next customized […]

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Enterprise inspection software

What Are Your Data Integration Requirements?

We’ve been involved in the design, development and implementation of enterprise- level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts put together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data integration requirements, implementation resources, pricing / cost models and more, to ensure your next enterprise […]

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How To Evaluate Your Data Collection Needs and Requirements

We’ve been involved in the design, development, and implementation of enterprise-level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts puts together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data collection needs and requirements, implementation resources, pricing/cost models and more, to ensure your next enterprise software […]

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Enterprise Inspection Software Considerations

16 Things To Ask Your IT Department When Evaluating Enterprise Software

We’ve been involved in the design, development, and implementation of enterprise-level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts puts together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data collection and reporting requirements, implementation resources, pricing/cost models, and more, to ensure your next enterprise software […]

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Microsoft Power Business Intelligence Reporting

Get the most out of Business Intelligence Reporting with Certainty!

Business AI Reporting with Microsoft Power BI & Certainty! As an enterprise-level inspection software solution, Certainty now comes with Microsoft’s exceptionally powerful business intelligence reporting tool. Business Intelligence with Certainty The latest release of Certainty Software includes a new reporting tool. Based on Microsoft’s PowerBI technology, this tool is one of the world’s most powerful enterprise-level dashboard […]

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Supplier Selection: Finding the Right Fit

5 Tips for a Successful Behavior Based Safety Program

Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) is a process centered around the one thing that will never be excluded from workplace safety incidents – people. BBS focuses people’s attention and actions on the daily safety behavior of themselves and those around them. It is the goal of any Behavior Based Safety program to observe what people do, and […]

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Behavior based safety observation

Behavior Based Safety (BBS) & the BBS Observation (BBO)

Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) is a safety management discipline based on the premise that a worker’s behavior is the root cause of many, if not most, workplace incidents and injuries. BBS involves observing employees in the workplace and attempts to influence safer behavior through coaching and educating employees to make safer decisions about their actions. Behavior […]

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Configurable rules engine for action notifications, checklist answer alerts and reminders

Management – Responsible for safety AND saving money

When management is pressing for a schedule to be maintained and telling people that the ‘deadline must be met’, they would do well to pause for thought. It’s management that’s responsible for safety and cost savings, as well as the performance of our people in the field. Recently in the media, we’ve seen some notable […]

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Saving a business money takes effort!

Unless you’re like the retail business manager who once told me that he was ‘making way too much money to worry about cutting costs, cost management simply aims to achieve the most cost-effective way of delivering your goods or services to a given level of quality. Cost management isn’t about reducing quality or short-changing customers. […]

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Brand reputational management

Certainty Software…Protecting your reputation and assets

Any competent directors will want to comply with the law when managing SHE, but directors are also keen on protecting their reputation and assets of themselves AND their business from the adverse publicity that a serious accident would bring. Directors and managers will want to avoid undue pressure arising from employees, trade unions, and customers […]

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