Certainty Blog

Bridging the Gap: 10 Strategies for Closing Communication Gaps During Internal Audits and Inspections

Effective communication is crucial for the success of any business, and ensuring that all team members are on the same page and understand their roles and responsibilities is vital for achieving compliance and improving overall organizational performance. However, communication breakdowns can occur in any organization, and they can be particularly damaging when it comes to internal audits and inspections. […]

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Internal Audits and Inspections System: A Guide to Change Management

This blog is intended to serve as a guide for those leading their organizations through the changeover process. From project planning to ongoing support, we will discuss the key steps necessary in change management. You’ll learn how to successfully implement your new system while minimizing your risk of negative consequences […]

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The 6-Step Process to Supply Chain Sustainability Management: Reducing Human Rights and Environmental Risks in Your Supply Chain

Businesses in today’s market are under greater pressure to make sure that their entire supply chain is managed in a socially and environmentally sustainable manner. This pressure is driven by a number of factors. Some of these include increasing reputational awareness of the environmental and social impact of business operations from customers, investors, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies, and the volatility of supply chain disruptions. […]

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What are Supply Chain Risks and How to Manage and Mitigate Them

Supply chain disruptions and risks are becoming increasingly common, affecting businesses of all sizes and across various industries. The data speaks for itself – recently released by Resilinc’s EventWatchAI monitoring database, supply chain disruptions in Europe increased by 38% in 2022. To ensure business continuity and success in today’s global market, it’s crucial for companies to understand the various types of supply chain risks and implement effective risk management strategies. […]

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Uncovering Hidden Risks in Your Supply Chain: The Importance of Supply Chain Due Diligence

Supply Chain Due Diligence is a critical process that companies must undertake to ensure that their sourcing, procurement, and supplier management practices align with responsible business standards and regulations. With the increasing focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, the practice has become a vital aspect of risk management for companies of all sizes. […]

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What is Supply Chain Sustainability and How to Manage it?

As consumers become more conscious of the impact their choices have on the environment and society, businesses are increasingly being held accountable for the sustainability of their global supply chain. With companies allocating upwards of 80% of their budget to procurement, supply chain sustainability has become a crucial aspect of corporate social responsibility. […]

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What is a Supplier Risk Assessment – Why it’s Important

The general purpose of a supplier risk assessment is to ensure that a business is working with reliable and trustworthy suppliers. This is important because a company’s suppliers play a critical role in its overall operations, as they provide the raw materials, components, and services that are necessary to produce and deliver products and services to customers. […]

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5 Challenges When Switching From Paper-based Inspections to Digital Inspections

Table of contents If you are a business that relies on paper-based inspections, you are likely familiar with the challenges that come with this type of system. Paper-based inspections can be cumbersome and inefficient, from time-consuming data entry to the difficulty of tracking and storing inspection data. Fortunately, there is a better way. Digital inspections […]

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On-site vs Remote Audits: Their Advantages and Disadvantages

The Covid-19 pandemic quickly pushed businesses to remote work and to digitize previously manual processes. The same was said for the business’s external and internal auditing processes. As health and safety risks of the global pandemic increased, the traditional way of auditing primarily on-site needed adjusting towards remote auditing. This is only magnified for businesses involved in a globalized supply chain that regularly audits their suppliers. […]

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10 Supplier Management Best Practices

The supply chain management landscape has changed significantly over the past two years. As noted by Supply Chain 24/7, 84% of enterprise CFOs now see supply chain disruptions as moderate or severe risks. And even if suppliers don’t experience shortages or work stoppages, getting goods where they’re going is more expensive.

Transportation costs may increase by 600% compared to pre-pandemic levels. This increase is dependent on the origin and destination of goods, as well as the mode of transportation used.

The result? Supplier diversification. Companies, large and small, now understand the danger of relying on one supplier and have started using multiple suppliers. With more suppliers, however, comes more complexity, in turn creating a need for more robust supplier management. […]

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Managing Human Rights and Environmental Impacts in Supply Chains: The Proposed EC Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and What it Means for Businesses with Global Supply Chains

What is the EC Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence? Proposed by the European Commission in February 2022, the EC Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence aims to force global brands to play a key role in building a “just and sustainable economy” through their compliance with rules that enforce the “respect of human […]

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What is a SMETA Audit and Why You Need One

Social responsibility and sustainability are now critical components of business success. But in order to effectively deploy and integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) frameworks, companies need to know what’s working, what isn’t, and what needs to change across current operations. A SMETA audit can help. What is a SMETA Audit? SMETA stands for the […]

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The Global Impact of The German Supply Chain Act (GSCA)

If you ask most North American EHS, Quality, or Supply Chain Directors if their companies have significant social or environmental impacts, you would probably get a similar response from most. Well, no we’re not in a high-risk sector … All our production is in the US so for us that is not really an issue […]

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Certainty and DNV Webinar: The importance of supplier due diligence, quality assurance, and compliance management

Recently, we had the opportunity of sitting down with DNV to discuss the growing global supply chain challenges in today’s business environment. Also, our expert panelists Florian Mueller, Global Product & Business Development Director at DNV, Joy Laing, Global Director of Supply Chain Management Services at DNV, and Neil Marshall, Senior Advisor at DNV discussed […]

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