We’ve been involved in the design, development and implementation of enterprise- level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts put together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data integration requirements, implementation resources, pricing / cost models and more, to ensure your next enterprise […]
Supply Chain Management

How To Evaluate Your Data Collection Needs and Requirements
We’ve been involved in the design, development, and implementation of enterprise-level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts puts together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data collection needs and requirements, implementation resources, pricing/cost models and more, to ensure your next enterprise software […]

16 Things To Ask Your IT Department When Evaluating Enterprise Software
We’ve been involved in the design, development, and implementation of enterprise-level software for over 20 years, which is why our team of experts puts together this 10-part series on evaluating Enterprise-level software. We’ll cover topics ranging from security, data collection and reporting requirements, implementation resources, pricing/cost models, and more, to ensure your next enterprise software […]

Get the most out of Business Intelligence Reporting with Certainty!
Business AI Reporting with Microsoft Power BI & Certainty! As an enterprise-level inspection software solution, Certainty now comes with Microsoft’s exceptionally powerful business intelligence reporting tool. Business Intelligence with Certainty The latest release of Certainty Software includes a new reporting tool. Based on Microsoft’s PowerBI technology, this tool is one of the world’s most powerful enterprise-level dashboard […]

Saving a business money takes effort!
Unless you’re like the retail business manager who once told me that he was ‘making way too much money to worry about cutting costs, cost management simply aims to achieve the most cost-effective way of delivering your goods or services to a given level of quality. Cost management isn’t about reducing quality or short-changing customers. […]

Certainty Software…Protecting your reputation and assets
Any competent directors will want to comply with the law when managing SHE, but directors are also keen on protecting their reputation and assets of themselves AND their business from the adverse publicity that a serious accident would bring. Directors and managers will want to avoid undue pressure arising from employees, trade unions, and customers […]

Take the Certainty Software Challenge and Save your Company Thousands of Dollars per Site Every Year!
At Certainty Software, we are proud of one very important thing. Our clients save an enormous amount of time and money using Certainty Software – our audit and inspection management software solution. And that’s why we want to introduce the Certainty Software Challenge! By automating the audit/inspection process with Certainty Software, our clients on average […]

How ‘Experts’ can be the Biggest Obstacle to Using Checklists
Sure, there are some obstacles to using checklists which we’ve touched on in the preceding blogs. But the far biggest obstacle to their successful implementation is the ‘expert’ who’s offended at the thought of ever needing a checklist. That ‘expert’ can be anyone in the organization. The expert will give any number of reasons checklists are a […]

Checklists don’t work….do they? Why Checklists Work
Here are 10 reasons why implementing checklists work in your business’s operations: 1 – Because everyone already knows what we need to do! You may think that everyone knows what to do because they’ve done it a hundred times before. But even though we’ve told them what to do, people often don’t listen and frequently […]

6 Steps to Creating a Checklist
We’ve talked about Atul Gawande before and his book ‘The Checklist Manifesto’ and, at this early stage in our blog series on checklists, we think it’s worth hammering home some of the points he makes. Boeing, NASA, and other large organizations have entire teams dedicated to creating checklists. Fortunately, you can capture significant improvements using checklists […]

A checklist for checklists? ….why not?
We’ve previously blogged about Atul Gawande’s The Checklist Manifesto which is a great help for the medical sector. We suggest you make familiarize yourself with it, but here is a great ‘ a checklist for checklists’ that’ll help you get started in whichever industry you’re in. Just use this as a clear, simple, and general […]

Where to Start with Checklists?
Before we get into the detail of industry-specific checklists and the issues involved in their design and operation we should remind you about the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their employees. OSHA’s role is to assure the safety and health of America’s workers […]

Do you need help working with checklists?
Do you need help working with checklists? Do you struggle to design the right checklists for your business? – Talk to us and see how we can help, for free*! We can help you find templates to use, ‘sense-check’ the templates you think you’d like to use, or even design new templates from scratch – […]