What is a Hot Work Permit Checklist?
Certainty Software’s Hot Work Permit checklist enables a safer and more efficient hot work permitting process for a business’s permit-authorizing individuals. The checklist supports risk management for not only the person doing hot work but also employees within the vicinity.
Assisting through the permit submission process, the precautionary fire hazard inspections, and finally, the sign-off, this checklist ensures safety while maintaining compliance.

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What the Checklist Includes
This 41-question checklist assists with addressing the fire protection need necessary to conduct hot work safely. Covered in the checklist template include some of the following:
- Fire watch
- Fire extinguishers
- Flammable liquids
- Gas testing
- Fire alarms
- Dust, lint, and oil deposits
- Side of walls
- Floor openings
- Metal shields
- Hot work equipment
- and more.

How Certainty Improves Hot Work Permit Inspections
Using Certainty Software, performing hot work permit inspections becomes easier and generates better actionable information. Whether using our checklist templates or creating your own unique forms, Certainty gives its users the freedom and customizability to support every company’s unique inspection and auditing needs.
Reporting checklist findings at an enterprise-wide level can be filtered to your needs by options such as inspection type, users, site, region, question, or answer. Within your configurable dashboard, you can track issues identified, set up automated notifications and actions, and so much more.

For more on Safety Inspection solutions, click here.

Spend Time On Prevention
Not Paperwork
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