Our thoughts go out to all those impacted by the COVID-19 virus worldwide. These are challenging times for all and in an attempt to help our clients and colleagues, we have recently published 2 checklists that might help businesses and their employees both prepare for but also manage a crisis/pandemic outbreak such as COVID-19 now.
The checklists are:
COVID-19 Crisis / Pandemic Preparedness Checklist for Business
COVID-19 Crisis / Pandemic Outbreak Management and Response Checklist
The first is to help businesses prepare for a crisis/pandemic such as COVID-19 and the second is aimed at helping businesses (particularly in ‘public-facing’ office, retail, hospitality, or food services settings) reduce the health and safety risk to employees and visitors to a business (customers, clients, etc.).
The checklists can be downloaded in Excel free of charge.
Stay safe in these difficult times!