Certainty Blog

Considering COSHH — What’s Covered and Who’s Impacted

Hazardous substances in the workplace pose potential health risks. Consider a manufacturing plant with an excess of dust and vapors. Not only could these substances harm workers after prolonged exposure, but could lead to even more significant hazards such as unexpected and uncontrolled fire or explosions. This isn’t just an academic risk — as noted by World-Grain, the United States experiences eight-grain dust explosions every year on average. […]

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Incident vs Accident — Understanding the Differences for Improved Safety

Accidents happen. According to the International Labour Organization, approximately 340 million workplace accidents happen each year.

But accidents don’t tell the whole story. While taking steps to reduce the risk of accidents can help keep workers safe and limit potential disruptions, organizations also need to consider the role of incidents in improving overall safety. […]

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What is EHS and Why Its Important

According to recent survey data, 68% of staff say they don’t feel completely safe at work. Reasons vary — some are worried about risks to their health from airborne contaminants or caustic materials, and others are concerned about environmental issues such as working conditions and procedural risks. Still, others point to safety concerns around current operations that could put their lives and livelihoods at risk. […]

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10 Supplier Management Best Practices

The supply chain management landscape has changed significantly over the past two years. As noted by Supply Chain 24/7, 84% of enterprise CFOs now see supply chain disruptions as moderate or severe risks. And even if suppliers don’t experience shortages or work stoppages, getting goods where they’re going is more expensive.

Transportation costs may increase by 600% compared to pre-pandemic levels. This increase is dependent on the origin and destination of goods, as well as the mode of transportation used.

The result? Supplier diversification. Companies, large and small, now understand the danger of relying on one supplier and have started using multiple suppliers. With more suppliers, however, comes more complexity, in turn creating a need for more robust supplier management. […]

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The Differences Between OSHA 301, 300, and 300A

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was developed in 1971 to set and enforce a standard level of safe working conditions and prevent workplace injuries, illness, and work-related fatalities. And since its implementation, OSHA has helped to reduce workplace fatalities by 60%, while workplace injury and illness rates have dropped by 40%. A key […]

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Safety Observations: 9 Common Examples

Health and safety are everyone’s business. Companies that make safety a shared responsibility across front-line staff, managers, and C-suite executives are better equipped to identify, quantify, and remediate key issues. One key component in creating a safety culture is the Safety Observations Report. By documenting potentially unsafe practices and processes on-site, organizations can create action plans to address these issues — before they cause loss of productivity or serious harm. […]

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Managing Human Rights and Environmental Impacts in Supply Chains: The Proposed EC Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and What it Means for Businesses with Global Supply Chains

What is the EC Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence? Proposed by the European Commission in February 2022, the EC Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence aims to force global brands to play a key role in building a “just and sustainable economy” through their compliance with rules that enforce the “respect of human […]

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Hazard vs Risk: What’s the Difference?

Hazards and risks are interconnected. Both represent potential problems for companies if workers are injured as a result of preexisting hazards or risks, the results could have both short- and long-term implications on health and safety. It’s worth noting, however, that while hazards and risks are similar, they’re not the same thing. […]

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