The costs and consequences of a major incident onboard a ship at sea are extremely high. Certainty Software is an ideal inspection management tool to reduce inspection and audit costs in the maritime sector. It helps manage the huge amount of management data across an entire fleet and multiple office sites instantly and online – […]
Asking for help isn’t easy… but it’s worth trying
In our blog on setting up a Behavioral Based Safety System, we suggested (in point 3) contacting others to try and learn from experience. Whenever I’ve done this I’ve initially found the other firms’ management to be stand-offish and apparently feeling at some sort of commercial ‘risk’ as a result of my approach. I found […]
A Pilot Intervention for your Behavioral Based Safety System
The second point of our initial blog on BBS concerns the importance of piloting your intervention. Why conduct a pilot test? A pilot test will help confirm if you are ready for full-scale implementation. A pilot test can serve as a trial run for your program and can help determine if any adjustments to your […]
There’s no safety without ‘leadership’.
We can only implement and maintain a functioning health and safety program in a business if the employees, safety leaders, and management make safety the company’s number one priority. If there’s safety without leadership through management, then health and safety will just remain ‘wishful thinking. It’s called leadership. Without support from across the organization, safety […]
Setting Realistic Safety Goals
In our last blog, one of the first points we mentioned was the need to establish clear and realistic goals. Establishing goals for the safety program provides a vital blueprint for managing the organization’s resources to achieve the desired outcomes. The most commonly found goals in any safety and health program include lost-time injury rate, […]
How to Start a Simple Behavioral Based Safety System
We’ve talked in previous tweets about Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) programs. We’ve also highlighted key issues such as the needless deaths and injuries that arise from food handling and preparation. If you’re a food manufacturer or even just a local delicatessen or cafe, why not think more about what you can learn from other sectors […]
420,000 needless food-related deaths a year… What do we do?
This article refers to something so important, that I think it’s worth posting about a second time – and if folk engage with us we might actually make a difference. The World Health Organization says some 420,000 people die each year from food-borne diseases, with young children accounting for more than a quarter of all […]
The Checklist Manifesto – by Atul Gawande
If you’ve read ‘The Checklist Manifesto’ by Atul Gawande you’ll know the amazing effect that the World Health Organisation had by introducing a simple checklist into hospital surgery routines. The surgery infection rates and mortality dropped hugely in those hospitals that were selected for a pilot program…and now that simple list has been adopted worldwide. […]
Outlining the Basic Goals for Safety and Health Programs
A safe workplace is a sound business – and a great place to look at reducing operating costs is to scrutinize your ‘safety’ in the workplace. OSHA has recently updated the Guidelines and Goals for Safety and Health Programs it first released 30 years ago, to reflect changes in the economy, workplaces, and evolving safety […]
Designing a BBS Program for Improved Safety Performance and ROI
Since the inception of Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) in the early 1970s, many thousands of companies worldwide have implemented BBS programs as a means to reduce injuries, illnesses, human suffering and ultimately cost. However, like many other business performance improvement movements both prior to and since then, the success of BBS has had mixed results […]