Certainty Blog

SMED: Streamlining the Lean Manufacturing Process

A lean tool called SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Dies) can help you improve your production operations by cutting down the time it takes to switch out equipment to under 10 minutes (or one-digit minutes)1. You may increase your efficiency, production, flexibility, and cost savings by using SMED ideas and methodologies. We will give a thorough overview of SMED in this blog article, including its definition, history, advantages, and procedures for implementation. […]

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Manual or Automated Safety Audits: Which is Better?

The main distinctions between manual and automated safety evaluations are explored in this blog article as we set off on a voyage of exploration. We’ll examine the effects of these tactics on various workplace safety management practices, highlighting their advantages and potential drawbacks. […]

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Certificate of Conformity: The Ultimate Guide for Manufacturing Companies

A Certificate of Conformity (CoC) is a document that certifies that your product meets the required standards or specifications. It can help you ensure product quality and safety, avoid legal liabilities and penalties, and enhance customer confidence and brand reputation. In this ultimate guide, we will explain everything you need to know about CoC for manufacturing companies. […]

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What is a Cold Work Permit and How to Use It Effectively

Do you work in an industry that involves hazardous activities or environments? If so, you need to know what a cold work permit is and how to use it effectively. In this blog post, we will explain everything you need to know about cold work permits and how Certainty Software can help you with your safety needs. […]

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TPRM in Manufacturing: Strengthening Business Resilience and Supply Chain Integrity

Third-party risk management (TPRM) is a critical imperative for the manufacturing industry, as it can help mitigate potential risks associated with third-party relationships, such as quality issues, delivery delays, regulatory non-compliance, cybersecurity breaches or reputational damage. In this blog post, we will discuss the key components, benefits and best practices of an effective TPRM program, and how Certainty Software can help you streamline your TPRM processes and improve your vendor performance and compliance. […]

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Improving Occupational Safety With the Bradley Curve

The Bradley Curve is a framework that illustrates the relationship between safety culture and operational performance. It shows how improving safety culture leads to better outcomes in other aspects of performance, such as quality, efficiency, and profitability. In this blog post, we will delve into the fundamentals of the Bradley Curve, exploring its significance, applications, and how it can help businesses streamline their operations. […]

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