Yes, we have a full video library of Certainty tutorials that can be found within your Certainty instance.
Tutorial topics in the playlist include:
- App Login
- App Overview
- Checklist Submission
- Working With Actions
- Reporting & Admin Overview
- Site & Site Groups
- Users & User Groups
- Managing Checklists Overview
- Working With Actions
- Getting Started With Checklist Builder
- Checklist & Action Workflow
- Notifications
- Reporting Overview
- Dashboard Overview
- System Reports
- Business Intelligence Graphs
- Scheduling.
Yes. In fact, the Certainty app – for completing audits and inspection on your phone or device – is exceptionally easy-to-use and requires little or no user training at all.
Additionally, we can provide ‘Train the Trainer Training’ for System Administrators and User Tutorials are available online and provide step-by-step instructions on all tools in the system.
Yes, in fact, the Certainty app – for completing audits and inspection on your phone or device – is exceptionally easy-to-use and requires little or no training at all.
Training for your System Administrators can be provided online by one of our Customer Service team and typically only takes about an hour.
User Tutorials are available online and provide step-by-step instructions on all tools in the system. Also, for those that either missed initial training or want to learn more about the software, we regularly (monthly) provide ‘Best Practice Masterclasses’ that are free to attend and cover all aspects of the software on a rotating basis.